From The High School Music Department
The music department had a prosperous year in 2022: the high school band, string ensemble and percussion band were added as new ensembles. We also had a successful BIS eisteddfod for the second year running, and held our very first choir concert featuring all our school choirs, and our staff choir, at the end of the year.
The BIS Music Department is excited for what is to come in 2023. As the department continues to grow, we look forward to many more firsts. This term, we started off with our introductory ensemble concert on Founder’s Day, featuring our variety of ensemble groups. Our choirs will also be taking part in the Tygerberg Eisteddfod, where they will compete against other schools in the Western Cape.
Later on this year, we look forward to hosting our inaugural IES Eisteddfod, which will include Helderberg and Hout Bay, and will consist of solo, ensemble, choir, poetry and dance categories.
In August, the high school will present a ‘Barnyard Show’, themed 80’s vs 90’s. This will be an entertaining show worth watching!
We look forward to an eventful and successful 2023 where we continue to showcase and celebrate the wonderful talent we have in our school!
Heidi La Bercensie
Music Teacher
PHOTOS: Ensemble performances at our recent Founder’s Day International Food Fair
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Travel and Tourism Out & About
Our quarterly tourism excursion took place last Thursday the 16th of February.
The Year 9 and 10 Travel & Tourism students visited the Hotel Sky. Leigh, the client consultant, took us on a site visit of note. We experienced the unrivalled panoramic views across the City Bowl to Table Mountain and out over the Waterfront and Table Bay from most floors. Other features include the Infinity Restaurant on the 26th floor, AI-powered robots, and a 30m thrill ride on the rooftop! We saw that the well-being of Hotel Sky’s guests is of foremost importance. They implemented stringent health and safety protocols as well as hygiene measures throughout the hotel to ensure this.
From there onwards, we strolled through St. Georges Mall and the Company’s Gardens and witnessed the heart of Cape Town through a tourist’s eye. Even the very strong Southeaster could not dampen our excitement.
Our final destination was the SunSquare Cape Town Gardens Hotel. The lovely gardens are quite secluded so that all the students had a swim and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch at the pool, compliments of the Zepi restaurant at the Hotel!
We learned that the SunSquare Cape Town Gardens is a Sunpet-friendly hotel that offers a warm welcome and a selection of amenities to ensure that your pet is as comfortable as you are when you stay with them. Your pet will receive a welcome treat on arrival, pet bedding for the ultimate Sunpet sleep experience, and a range of tail-wagging meals from the Sunpet Gourmet menu.
Both Year groups of Travel & Tourism students and the teachers that accompanied them agree that it is a very tough choice if we had to choose between these two hotels. Both hotels went out of their way to impress our students with their warm hospitality and answered questions that assisted the students with the completion of their CASS assignments.
We will definitely be back for another visit!
Carmen de Villiers
High School Travel and Tourism Teacher
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This year BIS is thrilled to launch Cambridge IGCSE Economics as a subject. The first two weeks of Economics have been a thought-provoking time wherein we were introduced to the topic and spent time updating ourselves on what is happening around the world - both the good and the bad – challenging our thought patterns and debating various issues.
In class, we dreamed up what products might be available in ten years’ time: either new products or how old products could be reinvented. These ideas were put into an envelope to be opened by BIS Economic students in 2033.
With a new subject comes great opportunities and we are excited to make the most of these opportunities to grow and be challenged.
Caroline Grix
Economics Teacher
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The high school Induction Day was held on Friday, 13 January 2023. The event was organised and led by the Student Representative Council (SRC), who can be praised for an extremely successful event.
The day began with the SRC taking the new students on a tour of the school. The tour included an explanation of our building project and went a long way to ensuring that no student was lost or without a friend on the first day of school.
After an early lunch, students participated in a variety of games and activities designed to help them to get to know each other better. The ice quickly broke and a nervous group of students started holding animated conversations with the SRC and each other.
The day ended with much laughter as the students provided facts about themselves and guessed who the author was.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students. May your time at BIS be enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sheila Marais
SRC Coordinator
BIS Interact Club
- Promoting a peaceful environment within our communities.
- Fighting life-threatening diseases like polio, HIV/AIDS and malaria
- Providing clean water and hygiene.
- Caring for the underprivileged mothers and children.
- Supporting basic education and literacy.
- Creating opportunities for economic development in our communities.
- Protecting the environment.
With the presence of technology in our everyday lives, our children have never been more globally connected through social media, the internet and a daily bombardment of news and opinions from every corner of the world; and yet, today so many children are feeling disconnected. Perhaps it is because no tech gadget can replace our innate need to socialise, to belong, to care for each other, or to make connections. Unfortunately, many of us are overwhelmingly busy with our daily jobs, homework, school lifts, and supper, and little time – and energy – is left to switch off from the mad rush.
Our Interactors pay weekly visits to Peace Home, a shelter for children who come from difficult upbringings, to help them with their homework – what a great opportunity it has become for a safe space to connect with each other, share daily experiences and a few laughs in between doing school work.
These are some Interactors’ thoughts on going to Peace Home visits:
“It helps you to learn how to teach. You can also appreciate what you have.” (Faith Chivaka – Y8)
“The day I went I really enjoyed the little girls, Kaitlin and Precious, they were so sweet and funny.” (Favour Chimezie – Y8)
“… it was very fun and a great experience. Teaching the little Grade 2 girl, Precious, was very enjoyable and I was glad to be able to help someone else with their education.” (Amanda Nkomo- Y8)
“My experiences at Peace Home are always lovely. It feels very rewarding to help someone with homework, especially when I know my contribution makes a huge impact on their lives.” (Landelwa Maqanda – Y11)
“I enjoyed helping the kids with their work. The dogs are really cute and everyone is very inviting and well mannered”. (Daniel Moodie – Y11)
Thank you parents, grandparents, guardians and carers for caring about our children. As the African proverb says, “it takes a village to raise a child”.
Elena Berger
Interact Club of Blouberg International School Coordinator

Year 9 Mathematics Treasure Hunt
Generally, Mathematics is considered to be boring. With my class we decided to change this and always design activities that encourage critical mathematical thinking as students find different ways of solving real life mathematical problems and deepen their understanding of mathematics.
Throughout the year, we did quite a number of project/fun activities with my students, which included “guess the concept “, tarsia puzzle, tag of war, Kahoot team race, pair/match card race, geometry ball coordination outdoor play, blind fold math master and so on. Of all these phenomenal fun activities, the treasure hunt stood out as one of the best loved by students because of the way we redesigned it this year.
Unique treasure hunt design
Students were divided into groups of 4 and given a set of questions to use. Their task was to then design the map the way they wanted and give reasonable clues along the way. A minimum of 5 stops are allowed before the final point where the treasure is hidden. Think about it; Year 9 students were practicing key topic Mathematics questions, working in teams, solving all the problems I had prepared for them. All of that, without even knowing they are actually learning new things.
Teams design their own stations and always give two optional answers which are closely related. I guided them to see some common silly mathematical mistakes made by students and allow these as an alternative that will eventually lead to a different station, which we called the “battery changing station” or simply “corrective station”. At this station, they will ask a similar question and be given a second chance to take themselves back to the correct station.
All 4 teams did well, running around the school grounds and classes. Finally, the treasure was found. In reality, students love Mathematics.
See attached pictures of Year 9 teams in action.
Hebert Tapfuma
High School Mathematics
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Foundation Stage Recognition Ceremonies
It was with great excitement that our little ones in Foundation Stage came to school ready for the end of year Recognition Ceremony. Every year we take time to acknowledge the amazing progress our little ones have made. They have all worked so hard and we are incredibly proud of them.
Each class got the chance to perform a song or a poem before receiving their special certificates. We want to say a big thank you to all the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who are always there to support and encourage the little ones on their learning journey.
We can’t do it without you!
Monique Meyer
Foundation Stage Coordinator and Reception Year Teacher
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What My Pre-Reception Students Love Most About School
I can’t believe that it is already the fourth and last term of the year! The students have grown in leaps and bounds. They come to school eager to learn and participate in the daily activities. The classroom is always full of cheerful laughter, inquisitive questions and daily chitter chatter. I am so proud of each one of my students, they have all grown in different areas throughout the year.
I asked my students what they LOVE doing most in Pre-Reception and this is what they said:
Alex: “Making friends.”
Keneo: “Playing with my friends.”
Aubrey: “Painting.”
Victoria: “Playing outside.”
Kai: “Building blocks.”
Jefferson: “I like to play on the monkeybars.”
Emily: “Doing art.”
Chaitra: “I like to be friends with everyone.”
Jasper: “I love playing with playdough.”
Cayden: “Playing with the wooden blocks.”
Dylan: “To give my teacher hugs and laying with the train tracks.”
Amelie: “I love doing art and painting.”
Ava: “Playing outside.”
Suhaila: “I like to draw.”
Aksharath: “I like to play with the wooden block with my friends.”
Athena: “I like painting.”
Edyn: “I like to play with everything at school.”
Nozhin: Loves to colour in.
I love to see the students in my class learning through play, interacting with each other and most of all happy to be at school.
Cindy Nunan
Pre-Reception Teacher
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Foundation Stage Farmer’s Day
For the past two weeks, the Foundation Stage has been learning all about farming. The students have learned about many different aspects of farming, including the types of farms we get, the animals that usually live on farms, the roles and responsibilities of the farmers and their laborers as well as the various products that farms produce. We have all learned the important role that farms play in our lives and we appreciate how hard they have to operate to produce the items sent to the marketplace.
To experience all that we have learned about this, a Farmer’s Day Breakfast was arranged. With much excitement and many shrieks of joy, our phase got to engage with live animals in a petting zoo. The students were taught how to handle smaller animals like chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises and a pheasant. They also got to groom and feed larger livestock such as sheep and goats. Each class made a farmer’s breakfast together, where skills such as cracking an egg, buttering bread and whisking were practiced. Finally, to really conclude our farming experience, we planted beans, which are being protected by our very own scarecrows! We will water our beans daily, leave them on the windowsills for warmth and light and wait patiently for them to sprout – just as farmers do with their crops!
We encourage parents to continue reinforcing the skills that we have learned from our farming unit at home. Being practically involved in cooking, gardening and animal responsibility will always be an asset towards any child’s development!
Kim Hahn
Reception Year Teacher
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From Boxes to Rockets in Reception
The Foundation Stage students have been learning about Space. As one of our art projects we decided to make rockets. The students were delighted to use their creative skills to make their own rockets using recycled items such as boxes, bottle tops and egg cartons. Each student was allowed to use 2 boxes and any of the other materials on the table to construct their rocket. We decided not to paint our rockets so that we could easily see how what components were used in their construction.
Construction play is an open-ended activity that is proven to make a difference in the way children think and complete tasks. These are some of the skills children develop through this kind of play
- problem solving skills
- spatial awareness
- fine motor skills
- hand-eye co-ordination
- sensory awareness
- challenge and perseverance
- measurement
- self-confidence
- decision making
- creativity
- social skills
There really is so much more to construction play than meets the eye. Box construction is also a fun and educational way to keep your child engaged at home. What will your next project be?
Bronwen Nuthall
Reception Year Teacher
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