Travel and Tourism Out & About
Our quarterly tourism excursion took place last Thursday the 16th of February.
The Year 9 and 10 Travel & Tourism students visited the Hotel Sky. Leigh, the client consultant, took us on a site visit of note. We experienced the unrivalled panoramic views across the City Bowl to Table Mountain and out over the Waterfront and Table Bay from most floors. Other features include the Infinity Restaurant on the 26th floor, AI-powered robots, and a 30m thrill ride on the rooftop! We saw that the well-being of Hotel Sky’s guests is of foremost importance. They implemented stringent health and safety protocols as well as hygiene measures throughout the hotel to ensure this.
From there onwards, we strolled through St. Georges Mall and the Company’s Gardens and witnessed the heart of Cape Town through a tourist’s eye. Even the very strong Southeaster could not dampen our excitement.
Our final destination was the SunSquare Cape Town Gardens Hotel. The lovely gardens are quite secluded so that all the students had a swim and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch at the pool, compliments of the Zepi restaurant at the Hotel!
We learned that the SunSquare Cape Town Gardens is a Sunpet-friendly hotel that offers a warm welcome and a selection of amenities to ensure that your pet is as comfortable as you are when you stay with them. Your pet will receive a welcome treat on arrival, pet bedding for the ultimate Sunpet sleep experience, and a range of tail-wagging meals from the Sunpet Gourmet menu.
Both Year groups of Travel & Tourism students and the teachers that accompanied them agree that it is a very tough choice if we had to choose between these two hotels. Both hotels went out of their way to impress our students with their warm hospitality and answered questions that assisted the students with the completion of their CASS assignments.
We will definitely be back for another visit!
Carmen de Villiers
High School Travel and Tourism Teacher
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This year BIS is thrilled to launch Cambridge IGCSE Economics as a subject. The first two weeks of Economics have been a thought-provoking time wherein we were introduced to the topic and spent time updating ourselves on what is happening around the world - both the good and the bad – challenging our thought patterns and debating various issues.
In class, we dreamed up what products might be available in ten years’ time: either new products or how old products could be reinvented. These ideas were put into an envelope to be opened by BIS Economic students in 2033.
With a new subject comes great opportunities and we are excited to make the most of these opportunities to grow and be challenged.
Caroline Grix
Economics Teacher
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The high school Induction Day was held on Friday, 13 January 2023. The event was organised and led by the Student Representative Council (SRC), who can be praised for an extremely successful event.
The day began with the SRC taking the new students on a tour of the school. The tour included an explanation of our building project and went a long way to ensuring that no student was lost or without a friend on the first day of school.
After an early lunch, students participated in a variety of games and activities designed to help them to get to know each other better. The ice quickly broke and a nervous group of students started holding animated conversations with the SRC and each other.
The day ended with much laughter as the students provided facts about themselves and guessed who the author was.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students. May your time at BIS be enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sheila Marais
SRC Coordinator

High School Induction Day 2022
Welcome back to Blouberg International School and the start of a new academic year. A special word of welcome to our new families – I trust that you already feel at home.
We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that
- Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience.
- Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.
- Shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life.
- Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject.
Looking forward to a successful term and great year,
Mrs Carmen de Villiers
High School Coordinator
High School Induction Day 2022
The high school Induction Day for new students took place on Friday, 14 January 2022. It was organised and led by the Student Representative Council and Matric students, who showed commendable diligence by planning this event from Term 4 and in the last week of their holidays.
Students participated in a variety of games and activities designed to help them to get to know each other better. They were also taken on a tour of the school so that they could be familiar with their subject teachers and the building before their first day. Students were allocated a house and the Year 7s met their tutor teachers.
Something new that was introduced this year was Matric Mentors. The Matric students were allocated Year 7 students who they need to keep in contact with during the school year. The purpose of this is to help the Year 7s settle into high school and encourage student involvement and effective communication.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students. May your time at BIS be enjoyable and fulfilling.
Ms Sheila Marais
SRC Coordinator
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On the 14th of January 2020, we held our annual Induction Day to familiarize year 7, 8’s and new students with the school and the matric leaders for the year. The matric class guided the new recruits through team-building activities which cemented early friendships and mutual respect.
The day started at 09h00 with an introduction and warm welcome to the students embarking on the new chapter in their lives. After that, we delved straight into the first activity of the day; Team building. The students were split into four colour coded -red, blue, green and yellow- teams with two matric leaders per team and continued to spend 30 minutes on choosing appropriate team names and to get to know the members of their group.
Of course, the new students were shy at first, but it didn’t take long for them to relax their guard and have fun with their peers.
With team names and introductions complete, the first clue for a Treasure Hunt was given out and teams raced to solve it as quickly as possible; the promise of a prize igniting everyone’s competitive spirit. The aim of this game was to acquaint the students with their future classrooms and teachers whilst making it fun and inclusive for all.
After the treasure hunt and prizes were awarded (amidst loud cheering), the students were given a 30-minute break to cool down and relax. Lunch packs, which included a small water, a muffin, a hotdog and a small packet of chips, were given to each student. Music was played during the break and students could mix and chat amongst themselves and with matrics, allowing everyone to wind down and get proper rest for the next few activities.
After the break, students were given the choice to either go play a few games of soccer, which brought out a playful and competitive spirit within the students, or to stay within the senior hall and join a few rounds of musical chairs, which was fun but also exercised their coordination and concentration — both activities were a lot of fun and elicited many laughs and giggles from the students and matric leaders.
After the fun and laughter, the students gathered on the field to join a game of Red Rover. This allowed students to get some energy out of them while taking away the fear of being new to the school and allowing everyone to play together as a unit. This brought a lot of laughs and cheers when the students won to get through with the few catches.
This was followed by an official tour of the high school building and classes with introductions to their future teachers and classrooms. They were also shown their lockers and homeroom teachers.
As the morning drew to a close, the matrics took the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the students by calling individuals up and asking them a few questions about themselves. This allowed the seniors to get to know the juniors on a deeper, more personal level and established a bond of great benefit to both parties.
We trust that the students had fun and made a few more friends within their peer group! We hope that they enjoy their year and that they know the matrics are there to help them through the new chapter in their lives.
Jianicia Meintjes (Year 12)
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