Faces In Art
In the Jelly Fish class, we have been learning about different parts of the face as well as the function of each of these parts.
Our little students had an amazing time creating different pieces of art to represent their own faces. Some of this art was product focused with the aim being that students create a face with all the right parts in all the right places, an introduction to portraiture.
Other art activities were focused on the process of making art rather than the end result, giving our students the opportunity to select their own materials and create their own artwork which is inspired by an image or object that has been provided. The purpose of this is to provide students with the opportunity to channel their creativity, plan, problem-solve and express themselves without restriction of resources or space.
Activities included drawing a picture of their own face which was inspired by a photograph of themselves, making a face from shapes and newspaper cut-outs and ice painting with primary colours so that we could use sight to observe what happens when these colours mix. Students were captivated by the formation of secondary colours each time the primary colours mixed, this proved to be a great introduction to science within art.
The main purpose of creating Art in the Foundation Phase is not to achieve perfection in a final product, but rather to encourage creativity and self-expression, develop fine motor skills through the manipulation of different materials, and to cultivate a love and appreciation of art.
Candice van der Vyver
Jelly Fish Class Teacher
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Lovely Letters In Foundation Stage
As part of our People Who Help Us theme we learned about postal workers and the process of posting a letter to it finally reaching its destination. Each of the parents were asked to write a lovely letter to their child.
Recently the students were surprised by a visit from Postman Pat who came in to deliver the letters. Each student was very excited to receive their special letter.
Afterwards we all sat down on the mat and read our letters. It was clear that the students thoroughly enjoyed this experience.
Here is what the students’ responses were to their letters:
Michael Anigboro (5 years old) “I am excited to get my letter.”
Lilia Blom (5 years old) “I love my family and my letter.”
Keona Chukwuemeka (4 years old) “I like my letter.”
Eva Collison (5 years old) “I really liked my letters.”
Stuart Hendry (5 years old) “I love my mom and dad. They are the best family ever.”
Himansh Dammalapati (4 years old) “I liked my letter.”
Richard Hoskins (5 years old) “I love my mommy.”
Keshavi Jaiswal (5 years old) “My letter makes me so happy.”
Hayley Keyser (5 years old) “I love my family.”
Ruby Kiley (4 years old) “I love my letter from my grandma.”
Yohann Lawrence (5 years old) “My letter makes me smile.”
Rhys Lewis (5 years old) “My letter comes from Wales.”
Junior Mangqalaza (5 years old) “I am excited to receive a letter.”
Mataio Moodley 5 years old) “I love my parents and my letter.”
George Mpako (5 years old) “I am so happy about my letter.”
Melvin Ngula (5 years old) “I love my mom and dad.”
Olamidayo Olanrewaju (5 years old) “I am surprised to get a lovely letter.”
Allegra Schoeman (5 years old) “My letter is so nice.”
Bronwen Nuthall
Reception Teacher

Nursery Fun 2020
The Nursery has started to settle in well in their first term.
They have settled into the routine and during the day they have a nutritious breakfast and all the yummy snacks and lunch provided by the school. They also get to have nice long restorative naps.
They have a nice shade over the garden and can spend most of the day outside in the fresh air. They are making new friends and learning so many interesting things about the class topic this week. The topic for the week is Family and the little ones love talking about their families and painting and drawing them.
The Nursery had immense fun playing with all the Sensory toys. They had a great time touching the sand, water and small creatures. They also liked playing with the macaroni and little dinosaurs.
I look forward to seeing how the little ones in our Nursery develop this term.
Jacky Billings
Nursery Teacher
Interactive Curriculum Morning, August 2019
On Saturday, 17 August we had another Interactive Curriculum Morning. The focus was Sensory and Fine Motor development in the early years. Both of these skills develop from birth and are essential for healthy brain development. Parents attended a PowerPoint presentation explaining the importance of these skills and were given some tips and ideas about activities that can be done at home with their children.
Then the messy fun began and the parents were invited to do the activities alongside their children. There were 2 stations. One for Sensory skills and the other was for Fine Motor skills.
At the Sensory station, the children could experiment with substances that appealed to all their five senses. They had a lot of fun playing with shaving cream, jelly, dry pasta, oats, coloured spaghetti and in the sand pit.
At the Fine Motor station, the children could use elastic bands to make patterns on peg boards. They did beading, making patterned necklaces for their parents to admire. The children also really enjoyed making monsters and other creatures from play dough, plastic eyes, pipe cleaners and sticks.
The morning is always a wonderful experience of learning through play.
Bronwen Nuthall
Reception Year Teacher