Planting the seeds of knowledge!
Planting the seeds of knowledge!
A little seed for me to sow.
A little seed to make it grow.
A little hole, a little pat
A little wish and that is that.
A little sun, a little shower.
A little while,
And then a flower!
What do seeds need to grow? This was the question posed to our Year 5’s in our first Science lesson this term.
But… instead of telling the students, we decided to let them discover it for themselves. Using their knowledge of what a fair test is, the students investigated by setting up their own scientific enquiry. In groups, they were supplied with four plastic cups, soil, 12 seeds and a little water. Together a discussion was held on what the independent, dependant and control variables would be. Once they reached a consensus, students set about planting their seeds. Two samples were placed in a warm place in the classroom – one with water and one without. The two remaining samples made their way into their teacher’s fridge-one with water and one without.
Predictions were made and arguments put forward, but only time will tell. For the next couple of weeks, students need to water some of the seedlings and keep a vigilant eye on any possible germination before they can reach a conclusion. Watch this space!
Well done Year 5’s!
Mandy Goch
Year 5 Teacher