The high school Induction Day was held on Friday, 13 January 2023. The event was organised and led by the Student Representative Council (SRC), who can be praised for an extremely successful event.
The day began with the SRC taking the new students on a tour of the school. The tour included an explanation of our building project and went a long way to ensuring that no student was lost or without a friend on the first day of school.
After an early lunch, students participated in a variety of games and activities designed to help them to get to know each other better. The ice quickly broke and a nervous group of students started holding animated conversations with the SRC and each other.
The day ended with much laughter as the students provided facts about themselves and guessed who the author was.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new students. May your time at BIS be enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sheila Marais
SRC Coordinator