Foundation Stage Farmer’s Day
For the past two weeks, the Foundation Stage has been learning all about farming. The students have learned about many different aspects of farming, including the types of farms we get, the animals that usually live on farms, the roles and responsibilities of the farmers and their laborers as well as the various products that farms produce. We have all learned the important role that farms play in our lives and we appreciate how hard they have to operate to produce the items sent to the marketplace.
To experience all that we have learned about this, a Farmer’s Day Breakfast was arranged. With much excitement and many shrieks of joy, our phase got to engage with live animals in a petting zoo. The students were taught how to handle smaller animals like chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, tortoises and a pheasant. They also got to groom and feed larger livestock such as sheep and goats. Each class made a farmer’s breakfast together, where skills such as cracking an egg, buttering bread and whisking were practiced. Finally, to really conclude our farming experience, we planted beans, which are being protected by our very own scarecrows! We will water our beans daily, leave them on the windowsills for warmth and light and wait patiently for them to sprout – just as farmers do with their crops!
We encourage parents to continue reinforcing the skills that we have learned from our farming unit at home. Being practically involved in cooking, gardening and animal responsibility will always be an asset towards any child’s development!
Kim Hahn
Reception Year Teacher