Year 5 Emotion Poetry
Recently, the Year 5’s explored emotions by writing poems. They chose an emotion, and used their imaginations to capture their sense of it. Here are some of their thoughts…

Neo Booi – Happiness
Happiness by Neo Booi
Happiness is yellow like the shining sun
It tastes like a warm delicious cupcake
It smells like sweet yummy candy
It looks like a cute, fluffy animal
It sounds like joy and laughter
It feels like being with friends.

Sadie E’Silva – Stress
Stress by Sadie E’Silva
Stress is gray like clouds just before it rains
It tastes like burnt meat
It smells like heavy smoke
It looks like piles of unfinished work
It sounds like a busy street
It feels like the walls are closing in on you.

Victoria Munsamy – Happiness
Happy by Victoria Munsamy
Happy is yellow like a bright, beautiful day
It tastes like ice cream sundae
It smells like red roses in my mother’s favourite vase
The sun is shining up in the sky
It sounds like birds chirping and people laughing
It feels like butterflies tingling in my stomach

Sarah Watson – Excitement
Excitement by Sarah Watson
Excitement is like the colours of a kids party, a mixture of neon green, purple and yellow
It tastes like all the candy in a candystore
It smells like fresh, sizzling popcorn, smothered in liquid butter
It looks like the biggest carnival ever seen, with dazzling lights and brilliant coloured balloons
It sounds like birds laughing the the air out of themselves and energetic music, playing a mixture of pop and the latest hits
It feels like relaxing, staring at the sky and getting high scores in games

Kene Onochie – Anger
Anger by Kenè Onochie
Anger is dark like a rotting strawberry
It tastes like sour lemon, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth
It smells like flowing blood
It looks like a dark figure filled with rage
It sounds like pumping hearts full of pain
It feels like a sudden rush of pain

Maalik Daniels – Sadness
Sadness by Maalik Daniels
Sadness is dark like a day with no light
It tastes like cold, hard expired chocolate
It smells like a dead animal corpse
It looks like a dark, gloomy room with one light
It sounds like people weeping or screaming
It feels cold and empty

Aimee Davies – Sadness
Sadness by Aimèe Davies
As wet and soggy as Monday rain
It’s like blank vanilla ice cream, very plain
It smells like your worst fear, like being betrayed
It looks like an abandoned house, so old and frayed
It sounds like the creaking of rusted metal doors
It feels so empty, so alone and so cold

Mila Naser – Joy
Joy by Mila Naser
Violet is nice
You start to jump up and down
You know something good is going to happen
You’re full of joy!

Zorah Korri – Love
Love by Zorah Korri
Love is red like hearts flying
It tastes like heaven
It smells like fresh strawberries
It looks beautiful like happy people
It sounds like people having fun
It feels like you’re loved.
We are extremely proud of our budding poets. These works are truly inspired!
Hannah Kirkaldy
Year 5 Teacher